2014 Race results
My goal this year: To keep on running and have fun..
2014 date |
race |
location |
distance |
my time |
min/mile |
1/11 Sat | Longest Causeway Run | Port Isabel | 10K | 62:31 | 10:04 |
1/25 Sat | Keep McAllen Beautiful Arbor Day | McAllen | 5K | 27:37 | 8:54 |
2/1 | All America City | Edinburgh | 10K | DNS | n/a |
2/9 Sun | Get Up and Train 5K | Pharr | 5K | 40:19 | 10 est |
2/15 Sat | Run With Your Heart | Mission | 5K | 28:15 | 9:06 |
3/1 Sat | Sharyland Band Booster Du | Mission | 2.3 mi run 6.6 mi bike 2.3 mi run |
1:07:10 | |
3/15 Sat | St. Patrick's Day 5K | Pharr | 5K | 29:35 | 9:31 |
4/19 Sat | Du or Die Duathlon | Mission | 2 mi run 11 mi bike 2 mi run |
1:18:25 | |
4/27 Sun |
* Komen Mid-Mich Race for the Cure | Lansing | 5K | 29:38 | 9:31 |
5/2 Fri |
* Mason State Bank | Mason | 5K | 30:08 | 9:43 |
5/3 Sun | St. Gerard's 5K | Lansing | 5K | 28:39 | 9:31 |
5/17 Sat | DASAS Walk a Mile | Three Rivers | 5K | 27:59 | 9:00 |
5/26 Mon | Big Foot Challenge | Dansville | 8K | 51:54 | 10:23 |
6/8 Sun | Aggie Duathlon | Dansville | run 5K bike 10mi run 5K |
1:37:48 | n/a |
6/18 Wed | Twilight Run | Lansing | 5K | 28:15 | 9:07 |
6/20 Fri | * Capitol 5K | Lansing | 5K | 28:13 | 9:04 |
6/28 Sat |
* Max's Race | MSU | 5K | 27:55 | 9:00 |
7/4 Fri | Firecracker 5K | Corunna | 5K | 26:43 | 8:37 |
7/12 Sat | Elsie Dairy Dash | Elsie | 5K | 26:37 | 8:35 |
7/27 Sun | * Ele's Race | Okemos | 5K | 26:21 | 8:28 |
8/10 Sun | Camino of St. James | Mason | 5K | 27:25 | 8:51 |
8/15 Fri | Melon Run | Howell | 5K | 27:26 | 8:51 |
8//16 Sat | Come to the River | Lansing | 5K | 26:50 | 8:39 |
8/23 Sat | Rave 5K | Ionia | 5K | 27:29 | 8:52 |
9/7 Sun |
* Kellie Sebrell DeWitt Trail | DeWitt | 5K | 46:43 | 16:04 |
9/11 Thur | 9-11 Hero Run | Holt | 5K | 32:52 | 10:36 |
9/21 Sun |
Capital City River Run | Lansing | 5K | 29:10 | 9:23 |
9/25 Thr | Relentless Positive Traction - SoM Run | Lansing | 5K | 27:45 | 8:57 |
9/28 Sun |
* Playmakers Autumn Classic | Haslett | 8K | 45:58 | 9:15 |
10/5 Sun | * MSUFCU Dinosaur Dash | E. Lansing | 5K | 28:46 | 9:17 |
10/11 Sat | Green Space Trail Race | Mason | 5K | 31:18 | 10:06 |
11/1/Sat | Red Cedar Salmon Run | E Lansing | 5K | 33:56 | 10:57 |
11/27 Thr | Turkey Trot | Lansing | 5K | 32:26 | 10:28 |
12/28Sun | Resolution Run | Mission | 5K | 31:09 | 10:03 |
* Playmakers Race
Series. I ran in 8 of the 12 races in the series.
1/11 Longest Causeway Run - Huge race, over 2100 runners plus all the walkers doing a 5K. Came in 13 out of 23 in my age group. Weather was overcast/foggy with a light breeze, not a bad day for running. I ran a little slower in the 4th mile because my hip was bothering me. Very happy with my time, but I think I can beat 60 minutes in my next 10K.
1/25 Arbor Day 5K - 40 degrees at race time but little wind. Race started 15 minutes late but the course was flat and smooth. Ran well with the exact same time as my previous race, the Resolution Run. Came in 4th out of 6 in the 55+ age group. I don't think I could have run any better. On the plus side, Physiosports therapy and Airrosti treatment have helped my hip and I had no pain. Official time is 28:03, but I think I stood to close to the starting mat and tripped the timer before I actually started running. Time posted here is from my own watch.
2/1 - Edinburg All American City 10K - Had a planters wart burned off my foot this week and was unable to run.
2/9 - Get Up and Train 5K - Foot mostly healed, taped it up with a thin bandaid and duct tape and ran easy. Leaders in the race failed to make a turn and everyone followed them and so I ended up running close to 4 miles instead of 3.1. My cell phone app wouldn't work so I didn't get any data. I didn't run real hard because of my foot and came in 1st out of 2 in my age group, 60+, and was the oldest runner in the race. Came in 70th overall out of 282. As a race it was a disaster, but it was a good training run.
2/14 - Run With Your heart 5K - 60 degrees and heavy fog for this run on the paved trail in Mission. Ran well, but off my pace because I missed a lot of training recently due to bad weather and a sore foot. Taped foot with duct tape and I didn't have any problem during the race, but I was limping after. Foot still not healed, but it's doing much better. Times not kept at race or posted.
3/1 - Sharyland Bandboosters Duathlon - Temp around 70 on a cloudy day with light winds. Did a good job of pacing myself and knocked 2 minutes off last years time. Came in 3rd out of 5 in the 50+ age group.
3/15 - 8th Annual St. Patrick's Day 5K - cloudy day, not real hot, came in 6th out of 11 in the 60-69 age group. Good course, chip finish. Wore a green outfit including tights. I was happy that I beat 30 minutes. Missed a lot of training due to illness and bad weather. But as you can clearly see, I was #1.
4/19 - Du or Die duathlon - almost perfect weather, not to hot or windy. Had a good race. Came in 2nd out of 2 in age group, 91st overall out of 139. My running has not been real good lately, but I think I'm starting to improve again.
4-27 - Komen Race for the Cure - a little chilly but a good day to race, I placed 3rd out of 4 in my age group. Missed training for this since I was on the road this week coming back from Texas,I ran well.
5/2 - Mason State Bank 5K - Came in 5th out of 7 in age group
5/3 - St. Gerard's 5K - Came in 2nd out of 14 in 60+ age group
5/17 DASAS Walk a Mile 5K - a chili morning but I ran hard and came in 3rd overall in Men's. Very happy with my time. DASAS is Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assualt Services and this was a fundraiser for this group. After the race there was a special event for men (and women) to have the opportunity to walk a mile in high heels in support of women. I walked a mile in 5" heels and a good time was had by all. I was awarded the "Twinkle Toes" sash.
5/26 Bigfoot Challenge - this event had two races, a 5k and 8K. I'm not used to the longer distance and trained hard this week coming in 3rd out of 3 in my age group, but my time was not bad. I possibly could have come in 2nd if I hadn't had to stop for a few seconds to remove a stone from my shoe. The course is a hilly one with some gravel road, and is not the one where you'd get a personal best. Max HR 166, avg HR 151, suffer score 199. (first race recorded with Strava)
6/8- Aggie Duathlon - 5K run, 10 mile bike, 5K run. Came in 23 out of 35 overall, no one else in my age group, and I was the oldest overall. Glad to do the race in less that 1hr40min. Been having a lot of trouble with muscles in my hip, but was able to massage the soreness out and was able to finish. Weather was around 60 degrees and light rain or sprinkles at the start. Max HR 154, avg HR 141, suffer score 221.
6/18 - Twilight Run - Came in 2nd out of 4 in age group. Temp around 70 and humid, threatening rain. Hoping to beat 28 min, but I should be happy, it's my fastest time ever for this race, beating my times for the past three years. Max HR 159, avg HR 142, suffer score 107.
6/20 - Capitol 5K - Came in 5th out of 8 in my age group. Temp around 60 and misty. Got off to a slow start but finished strong. Was hoping to beat 28 min, but I can't complain, I beat last year's time by almost 2 minutes. I think there were quite a few no shows due to heavy rain before the race. Earned 1 point in the Playmaker's race series. Max HR 153, avg HR 139, suffer score 94.
6/28 - Max's Race - Came in 6th in age group out of 11 and got bumped down to 4th place in the Playmaker's race series. Temps in mid 70s. Not a real fast course, I got caught behind some slower runners at the beginning, a few mild hills. I had a heart arrhythmia at the 2.5 mile mark and had to walk a few seconds, first one I've had in quite a while.. Ran really well, felt good, and met my goal of 28 minutes. Strava didn't record HR.
7/4 - Firecracker 5K - 1st out of 2 in age group. Had a horrible week training, only ran once (but I did well on the bike) and legs were slow and achy. Since this was not in the Playmaker's race series, I figured I'd take it easy, just enjoy the run, and hope I'd beat 30 minutes. The weather was cool, temps around 60, sunny, and the course flat, but a lot of turns. I was very surprised (and happy) when I beat not just 28 minutes, but 27, setting a PR for this year. I hope I can do this well in Eles race at the end of the month. Max HR 159, avg HR 142, suffer score 96.
7/12 -Elsie Dairy Dash - 2nd place out of 5 runners in age group, repeating my sub 27 min time of last week. Very happy. Temp 65-70 and sunny, course flat. Max HR 157, avg HR 137, suffer score 79.
7/27 - Ele's Race - 4th place out of 9 in age group, set a PR for this year, temps in low 70s and muggy, sun came out for the race. I ran really hard and bumped back up to 3rd in the Playmaker's race series. There is very little chance I'll finish higher than 3rd, and a very good chance I'll finish 4th or 5th. Last year I finished 6th. There are some really good runners in my age group. Max HR 163, avg HR 153, suffer score 114
8/10 - Camino of St. James 5K - 1st out of 3 in age group. Was in Wisconsin on a bike tour (SAGBRAW) and didn't train for two weeks, and were legs tired from all that biking, so I was a little slow. The route has a few hills and a lot of turns, so it's not fast, but it's a fun course. Weather was in the upper sixties and cloudy, good for running. Sarah, my daughter, and Keegan, her 7 yr old stepson, also ran. Sarah placed 2nd in her age group. It was a fun time for us. Max HR 158, avg HR 143, suffer score 96.
8/15 - Howell Melon Run 5K - This course has hills and gravel/dirt paths and is not fast. With over 700 runners, I came in 1st out of 6 in my age group, but I felt a little tired from the start. Ran fairly hard in a 4 mile training run the day before, guess I should have backed off on it and taken extra rest. Max HR 158, avg HR 148, suffer score 102.
8/16 - Come to the River - St. Casimir's church in Lansing, came in 1st out of 4 in age group. Ran well, but was tired. Course was paved with a few little hills along the River Trail and scenic. Weather was sunny with temps in the 60s, a nice day to run. Glad to be back under 27 min again, but think I could beat 26 if better rested. Max HR 161, avg HR 150, suffer score 110.
8/23 - Rave 5K - Felt good and ran well. Temps around 70 and course flat, about half on a river trail, rest on roads. GPS said course was a little longer than 5K and my pace was actually 8:39 which would've put me under 27 min. A small race, I came in 1st out of 3 in the 60+ age group, but 7th or 8th overall. I feel that I'm running at or near my potential and I probably need a coach to help me do better. Max HR 158, avg HR 149, suffer score 109.
9/7 - Kellie Sebrell Trail Run - Walked this race due to a fractured rib. Came in 4th out of 5 in age group. If I had run this at my best pace, I still would've come in 4th out of 5. Still in 3rd place in the Playmaker's race series by 1 point. Beautiful morning, cool and sunny. Did not use heart monitor.
9/11 - Hero Run - Still healing rib but I felt much better and was able to run, although slowly. Managed to snag 2nd place out of 8 in my age group on a cool evening (55 and overcast). Route was mostly flat and paved. We ran by some kids baseball teams and all the kids put their hands out to slap as we ran by, like gauntlet. There we so many kids it was actually slowing me down. My two daughters, Sarah and Dolly ran also and we had pizza after; it was a fun evening. It was Dolly's first race and Sarah's third. Max HR 156, avg HR 134, suffer score 74.
9/20 Capitol City River Run - Came in 2nd out of 3 in age group and 75th out of 144 men overall and 117 out of 510 total entries. Ran well, ribs didn't bother me at all, but I wasn't quite in top form since I missed a lot of training the last two weeks. I probably would've beat 29 min but I had a heart arrhythmia and had to walk a little. Max HR 156, avg HR 150, suffer score 115.
9/25 -Relentless Positive Traction - A fun run for State of Michigan employees. Race not timed. I was very happy with my time of 27:45 by my watch because I'm back to where I was before I cracked my ribs 3 weeks ago and it was fun to be with my daughter, Sarah, even though we didn't run together. Max HR 164, avg HR 155. No suffer score because I switched from Strava to Runtastic because I think it's better to train with. I really put out for this race, raising my HR avg and max about 5 bmp above what I had been doing.
9/28 - Autumn Classic - Ran well today, hoping to beat 47 min and I beat 46. Came in 6th out of 10 in age group. Less than 30 secs behind 5th place. I had two heart arrhythmias and had to walk twice. Entrenched in 4th place in the Playmakers race series. Temps in the low 60s and cloudy, course fairly flat and mostly paved. Max HR 156, avg HR 148.
10/5 - Dino Dash - 43 degrees and cloudy at race time, but not raining or windy. It was actually good weather for running. I had to stop and tie my shoelace once and also walk a bit for a heart arrhythmia, so perhaps I could've beat 28 min., but I tran pretty well. I came in 6th out of 6 in the first wave (30 min and under group) and beat all 6 in the second wave (30 min and over group). I think I sewed up 4th place for my age group in the Playmakers race series. Yay! I've never been in the top five before, so I'm pretty happy. Runtastic says my max HR was 170, but I think it's in error. Too high. Avg HR was 148.
10/11 - Green Space Trail Race - 32 degrees, frosty but calm, rode my bike to the race (5 mi) and was cold for the first two miles before I warmed during the run. Hard course with hills and turns, no pavement. Did not run real hard, a small race, I was 1st out of 3 in male 60+ group. Max HR, 154, avg HR 136.
11/1- Red Cedar Salmon Run - 30 degrees and cloudy, with north wind. Leg bothering me, did not run hard, missed a turn, probably added a minute to my time. Came in 5th out 7 in the 60+ age group. Did not see any salmon although I was told they'd been spawning there for about a month now. Just glad I finished. Max HR 155, avg HR 144.
11/27 - Turkey Trot - 30 degrees and cloudy. Haven't been training; resting leg. This race was not about speed for me, just for fun. Was happy with my time. Came in 1934 out of 3745 runners, 8th out of 22 in my age group. My leg didn't hurt but I lacked the speed I had earlier this year. Dolly was 20 seconds behind me at 32:46, a PR. Sarah finished 45:45, also a PR. Max HR 161, avg HR 151.
11/28 - Resolution Run 48 and rainy, I was soaked and cold so I didn't hang after the race. Came in 3rd in the 60 and over group and was actually the oldest racer today. Hip didn't bother me much, and I was pleased with my time, it was better than I expected. MRI scan showed nothing unusual. X-ray showed wear and tear on the bones; osteo-arthritis. The muscle problems I was having earlier this year are gone, but I do feel the arthritis. I was heading for under 30 min but I tired at the end. Max HR 170, avg HR 151