2015 Race results
My goal this year: To keep on running and have fun..
2015 date |
race |
location |
distance |
my time |
min/mile |
11/20 | Turkey Trot | Mission | 5K | 42:39 | 13:45 |
* Playmakers Race
Series. There are 14 races in the series.
Because I have osteoarthritis in my hip, I may be out for the season. I did ride my bike across the country from San Diego to St. Augustine in February and March, another reason I haven't done any races. My arthritis doesn't seem to bother me while biking.
Had a Birmingham Hip Resurfacing done on July 28.
11/20 Turkey Trot at Bentsen Palms Park, Milssion, TX. Came in 16th out of 25 in th 50 and over age group. Nice day for a run, temps in the low 70s. Nothing special about this race, just thankful to be running. Happy to beat my goal of 45 min. Hip surgery has slowed me down a lot. Right leg is significantly weaker than the left. Working to balance them out.