Carole Nelson Douglas

Carole Nelson Douglas
Midnight Louie
Irene Adler
Delilah Street
Fantasy & Sci-Fi
Short Stories
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Midnight Louie

Story List
the prequels
Books "A"-C
Books D-G
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Books L-O
Books P-S
Books T-W
Books X-Z
prequel biography
Temple Barr's shoes
Louie's animals


by Carole Nelson Douglas

Topaz Tango - Ultramarine Scheme - Vegas Gold Vendetta-- White Tie and Tails

Cat in a Topaz Tango

Topaz TangoMolina, still hurting from her slash wound, is on a tear when she can't find her daughter, Mariah.  She gets help from Alch, dirty Larry shows up, and then Rafi.  A mutilated Barbie doll in her room and they are worried about the Barbie doll killer still on the loose.  They decide Mariah has gone on a teen talent quest, so Molina enlists Temple to become Zoe Chloe Ozone again and go on a search.  Mariah eventually texts Moline that she is OK in Laughlin.  It turns out she's helping a refugee, Ekaterina, get in the dancing with the celebs show.  Matt is already in the show.  There are a bunch of accidents, and then Matt gets called to an early rehearsal and someone tries to kill him.  Meanwhile. Max tracks down the missing Revienne in Zurich, says 'bye' to her, and then Garry Randolph finds Max and starts filling in his missing memory.  Midnight Louie is a big help to everyone except his own family, who decided to leave the Circle Ritz and move to the SE side police precinct for better handouts.
Matt Devine, slashed with a sword, but surives, solved

Cat in an Ultramarine Scheme

Ultramarine Scheme Max is in Ireland, rediscovering himself with Garry Randolph (Gandolph) while Gandolph is tracking Kitty O'Connor's past.  Matt is in Chicago doing a show and gets a job offer.  Temple is doing PR for the Crystal Phoenix and the Chunnel of Time with a speakeasy theme, artistically set up by Santiago (no first name).  Midnight Louie is showing the police bones in a dried up area of Lake Mead and rescuing his papa, Three O'Clock Louie.  Temple explores the Neon Nightmare hoping to find out about missing Max.


Cosimo Sparks - leader of the Synth in the Neon Nightmare, stabbed, Santiago charged with murder, probably won't stick
Boots Benson - long departed member of the Glory Hole Gang, cement shoes by the mob

Cat in a Vegas Gold Vendetta

Vegas Gold VendettaSavannah Ashleigh hires Temple to investigate a murder.
Temple picks up Max at airport, back from Ireland.
Matt returns from Chicago
Midnight Louie helps rescue clowder from Violet's house
Barbie Dolls play a big role.


Pedro Gomez - Savannah Ashleigh's Aunt Violet's groundskeeper
Alexandra - Violet's daughter

Cat in a White Tie and TailsWhite Tie and Tails

Temple and Matt go to Chicago to check out a job and meet Matt's family.

Temple overhears the Synth leaders talking and determines who probably killed Gloria Fuentes, Professor Mangle, and Garry Randolph.

Max meet Reviene again and Matt meets Kathleen again.

Midnight Louie is kidnapped which results in the downfall and capture by the police of two thugs.

